That is a good effort Driftking, and it may be all correct....

  1. 16,642 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1291
    That is a good effort Driftking, and it may be all correct.
    However I can't help but think you are trying to force the chart to conform with the Wyckoff schematic you are learning from.
    (probably because you are just starting out)
    The textbook world can be a lot different to what goes on in the real world, where things get started then dumped, or are completed then the instrument is ignored, or some don't even have much or any professional interest (just larger and smaller stockholders battling with each other), and others have multiple groups of professional interest is not clear cut like the textbooks.

    So just use those schematics as a guide, where sometimes they will describe the price action very well, and at others it is a bit vague.

    I just looked at the last 18 weeks or so, and saw that the spreads were narrowing on those first two arrowed bars (think about that.....),
    then a shakeout kinda bar on high volume, and the next two bars were up (think about that.....)
    Then it was a bit difficult to be sure of what was going on (a hallmark of distribution or accumulation.....)
    Then those last two bars (arrowed) had increasing volume on downbars, with no follow through, and instead the next bar was up each time.......

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