Hi nambo, I've had to do this as a bit of a rush job so I...

  1. 3,191 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 146
    Hi nambo,

    I've had to do this as a bit of a rush job so I haven't been able to cover as much as you might have liked.

    I've tried to throw in a bit of VSA and some Andrews' stuff. Jako is far better at VSA than I am, I've really narrowed it down to the bits that I use with AR stuff now.

    VMC 1 nambo May 2016.png

    VMC 2 nambo May 2016.png

    VMC 3 nambo May 2016.png

    VMC 4 nambo May 2016.png

    I've got to head out now so please let me know if anything is unclear or if I've omitted anything you wanted covered.

    Lastly, there is a superb repeating pattern on the weekly chart. Have a look for five minutes and see if you can figure it out.


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