Wyckoff trading method, page-1096

  1. 16,642 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1291
    yes, the VSA club is still open, but it is fairly expensive ($US80 mth I think) for stand alone membership, although it used to be free when you sign up for one of their trade alert services, or for one of their live trading rooms (both of which are also quite expensive individually -- I think they make things quite expensive because Americans are used to "investing in themselves" and are willing to pay relatively high amounts for this type of education).
    So you would need to get in there & really use it, to make the price worth it......or perhaps I am just a cheapskate......
    The VSA club is pretty average really overall, it is not really a club, but the recorded webinars are gold, they mostly run for an hour to an hour and a half, and you can go back four or five years, and start watching a particular series (which were recorded weekly at the time), and watch them one after the other. So even though you are watching a discussion of old trading some of the explanations and discussion are really worthwhile (although there was also some frustrating moments for me with some of the members, who had been learning VSA for some time already, but just could not 'get it', no matter how many times the principles were explained, and by the time I left, about 18mths later, they still hadn't got it.......

    What they also offer from time to time, is membership to the VSA club as part of 'trading packages' that include their software - or plugins, and some of their mentorship courses and other services etc., and in doing this it is much cheaper or free.

    Last edited by Jako8557: 24/10/16
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