I should point out the identification of the potential reversal...

  1. 16,642 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1291
    I should point out the identification of the potential reversal bars in the test forum are experimental.....and the trial has been running for about 6-8 weeks roughly.
    @Ravgnome  runs a scan across the entire ASX, with some rules we developed together, then I filter them into three categories -
    Interesting - because the market appears to be supporting the stock, but is not really a proper reversal of the type we are looking for (remember that Wyckoff made almost all his important and most valuable trades on stocks which the market was already supporting, after a breakout had already occurred, and in an uptrend).
    Watchlist - there is a potential reversal bar on the chart, but the stock remains below important resistance, or remains in a downtrend, or for some reason there is a question mark against the stock (after a few weeks of testing, we found that these were the stocks which had a lower percentage of being successful straight away).
    Official List - These are meant to be the stocks which have the highest chance of being successful, they have either broken out above important resistance, and/or are in an uptrend, and/or are being supported by the market.

    Finally, keep in mind that from the test trial so far we have found that, once the stock has been filtered and make one of the lists, the majority pull back somewhat and offer a low volume entry (generally enter on the test and expect a response, or straight after the test once the high has been exceeded using the momentum which should develop), but some fail and don't recover (for whatever reason), and a few just continue higher without pulling back at all.
    So some trading rules need to be developed that suit your individual trading style, if you intend to use these lists.

    Last edited by Jako8557: 03/10/16
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