At the recent G20 summit (which was largely consumed by the premadona Papandreou and his Greek crisis), the international trade union confederation (ITUC - on behalf of the 99%), recommended that all Algorithmic Trading should be banned.
We can just see Ju-Liar's response to this statement, like doh... "what is this algo-something trading? Why can't we talk about reducing classroom sizes?". At least it would be something useful for that Communist Brown, of Greens infamy, to support (instead of the usual marxist/leninist ideology the Greens espouse).
Banning algorithmic trading will never happen of course, because there are now too many entrenched finance houses and brokerages making too much money from the practice (that is, taking too much of our money from us by processes that in any fair society would be illegal - hence the rich get richer, and the poor get used and abused and poorer and sit around in town squares with placards being laughed at).
Guess who makes the rules? And guess who they make them for?
"I would bear you", answered Gwaihir, "...even were you made of stone". LOTR (Return of the King - The Field of Cormallen)