what is it that you find odd about the article you posted? It's...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42

    what is it that you find odd about the article you posted?

    It's possibly quite accurate.

    It merely states that if nothing is done to reverse global warming BY 2000 - then there will possibly be large repercussions

    it doesn't say that the world is going to end in 200o or by 2000 - just that if nothing is done 'BY' 2000

    now - there's no actual evidence that that is incorrect

    indeed - looking at the last few years -- it may well be very correct

    my statement doesn't mean that I believe in man made effects having much to do with it as a cause though - that's a different issue

    if you are saying what I think you are saying - that the article is wrong - then, I beg to differ - there's no evidence one way or another
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