Not sure I understand this talk about parity or the significance?
Market Cap $37.58 billion
Share Issue 11.89 billion
To buy 1% of the business you need 118,900,000 shares.
That would be $375,724,000
Imagine how small percentage you own of the business with a few thousand shares.
Market Cap $1.95 billion
Share Issue 622.18 million
To buy 1% of the business you need 6,221,800
That would be $19,499,992
Here you get a much bigger slice of the pie for your few thousand shares in terms of "ownership" roughly 19.11 times more.
TLS has 19.11 times the amount of shares in issue that VOC has.
VOC would need to be at a share price of $60 to be at any kind of parity.
1 share of VOC does not in any way equal 1 share of TLS in any way that makes sense to me?
Price parity has not significance that I can see.
Please enlighten
Anyone is welcome to correct calculation mistakes but the point will still stand.