I rang Perth Office earlier this evening from interstate. Spoke to Joshua. He apologised for not responding to my two emails sent since New Year's explaining that he "has received thousands of emails and calls and just cannot answer them all".
Only he and the bookkeeper are in the Office. He was quick to advise that "all the geologists are out in the field, and continue to work hard. There is a huge amount of data to sort through, They are working towards providing relevant information at the time of the Quarterly Update (late Jan), and will pool all pieces of the information together for that Update."
He also said that the slow (I think he means lousy) progress in Global Commodity markets have also made them consider the timing more than previously.
He stressed that there is still confidence and that the team is still working closely along the previously discussed project path.
I did ask a few more sensitive questions eg. Cash situation which he politely responded with "wait till the Quarterly".
He is happy to take calls, rather than respond to an email. His words!!