There are possibly 100000 individual investors each one with his own evaluation of the RNS and blog assumptions. Each one will rampand deramp as the mood or mindset tells him. The actual situation is the result of the BOD deliberations to date......and as it develops
we are notified. The decission to invest therefor is mostly down to the effort you put into due dilegence of the company before you placed
your bet / investment. made it and you stand by it. All the moaners and negitive diatribe spouted on a blog / board
is really a pathetic attempt to justify a poor investigation of the company you are now a shareholder of. Of coarse the Co could be based
on lies and deceipt, [ and could be liable in a court of law ] But good due dilegence and an eye on who else is backing it [ SPROTT ] ? would
be a good start to where your money goes. Sorry for the blast......but to use the boards to complain, and chance a reduction in share
value, on the investment you hold........sounds a bit stupid to me. Regards .