BGD 7.14% 26.0¢ barton gold holdings limited

Why the selling? That's the exact question I'm asking for my...

  1. 1,168 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Why the selling? That's the exact question I'm asking for my other stocks.

    And you know what? Each one of them have one or more excellent reasons as to why they should be going up, not down. So IMO it's down due to market uncertainty, nerves, and selling to pay up margin calls somewhere else.

    I would like to also get your opinion on EIS. My take on the matter is that CQ Consulting will produce the EIS ready for submission on time. This is probably one of the few, or maybe even their first major EIS project in the $ Billions. They would like to get it right on time, good for coorporate image as a company in the developing Gladstone industrial club of multi-nationals.

    On the other issue, we are certain that both the Chinese and BGD are working closely one step at a time. But after the U.S. making the boo boo and making the Chinese nervous about their US assets, I couldn't stop thinking that MCC (which is Chinese Government) might just move a step closer to accelerate even more in furthering their investment in Australia.

    So, enough raving from me for now. Back to work and trying not to look at the computer screen. Cheers

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