MNF 1.21% $5.73 mnf group limited

why so quiet, page-9

  1. 3,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    Standup you Twist, take post out of context and manipulate to try and make your points and you do it very poorly.

    For the last year you been saying ENG & FRE massive losses was because of the directors wages. but now it's the backend. LOL poor attempt.
    May i remind you MNF large Debt which has grown to $2million is because the fees they pay Symbio for the backend LOL.

    You also state after 8years ENG, 6years for FRE have massive losses.

    May i remind you again after 2 1/2 years ENG and FRE were showing a shareprice profit of over 400% to 500%.
    Yet in 2 1/2years MNF shareprice is down over 100% so where will MNF be in a few years at this rate. LOL

    standup writes:: you did actually infer that the majority of MNF 65,000 customers were magically transferred from Symbio to MNF create a 100% growth

    Yes "would there be anything illegal about that NO". But it didn't fool the market as the shareprice has shown.

    standup writes:: MNF has an appreciative client base who refer their freinds and relatives to connect

    Yes that why MNF would be a hard sell for a takeover most of the freinds and relatives customers would go back to Symbio, and the socall buyer would end up with only a hand full of customers.

    Again your Twist, and manipulate to try and make your points

    May i remind you TPG and IINET are ISP that have added VOiP not VSP, As for Pennytel they are a private company you know nothing about growth rates and financials for all we know Pennytel could be in debt upto there ears.

    As for ENG backend they are planing content as in (TiVo) but as Seven said it's not ready.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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