Why many choose to become atheists, page-2

  1. 14,426 Posts.
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    Atheists do talk about the behaviour of some theists such as
    1. Having atheists and theists who disagree with their brand of religion condemned to some sort or eternal unpleasant consequences.
    2. Shunning those who turn away from their brand of religion, and treating non-believers as second class citizens.
    3. Having people who lack faith condemned for eternity - lack of faith which is not evidence based is the greatest sin. All other sins can be forgiven.
    4. Making false prophecies.

    But, the real reason that atheists call themselves atheists is that they don't believe that their is sufficient evidence to believe that a God or Gods exist, whether that God happens to be a loving God or a vindictive, jealous immoral one. God is often depicted as one with a split personality that displays both these sets of attributes.
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