'I am not passing judgement on ON because we do not know the...

  1. 11,557 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    'I am not passing judgement on ON because we do not know the full story'

    Didn't you watch the program?

    The 2 on the program from One Nation told you frankly about their intentions; why they were there etc. Isn't that the essence of the story?

    The inference can be fairly drawn imo that Ashby knew that the visit and discussions were potentially damaging, so he cautioned the other 2 that nothing was to be put in print or printable form (my paraphrasing) about it. He knew the risks. He didn't know though that the leaking was being activated as he spoke. The irony for him is that the leaking was not in fact in print.
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