Originally posted by CEOChair
Every single HC stock forum has at least one pointless troll with a grudge calling for the head on a plate of the company directors at the next AGM.
By the law of averages, at least some of these directors should be scratching their collars nervously. The only thing is HC is simply the wrong place to vent your spleen if you are spiteful enough to bother whether you actually have a case or not.
Does anyone here genuinely believe our favourite HC rampers or downrampers have ever moved the daily closing price of any ASX 300 stock half a cent? Of course not. And if every single HC reader of this forum was somehow persuaded to vote down the board it would make sod all difference to the outcome. ID is safe as houses, fuggedaboudid.
What a total waste of space this thread and the continual stream of equally preposterous grandstanding posts in the same vein we have had to put up with are. I trust nobody will give the thought of voting against ID any more credibility than if I told you to vote for him. I’m an anonymous poster on a social media forum, as are we all. Such mischief making muck racking Tittle Tattle should be totally ignored.
Campaigning against personalities you have a grudge against should not be what HC is for.
Write a letter!
I'd imagine you are Frustrated with Eric at BRU.
Yet you seem to do very well at holding your tongue against his performance as MD.