MRM 0.00% 33.0¢ mma offshore limited

It's not luck or market timing, just dollar cost averaging. It's...

  1. 2,211 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    It's not luck or market timing, just dollar cost averaging.
    It's only you who reference success or failure in relation to the shareprice, I have spoken about the business.
    Waiting to see what would happen was the correct decision. The shareprice of STO and MRM have reacted differently to their different circumstances as discussed. That's not luck it followed what could have been inferred about the two businesses from their financial statements.
    There's no chance of STO going to $13 as may happen with MRM going to $0.8 (I think that's the book value) but on the other there's very little chance it will ultimately prove to be worth less than what I paid either.
    Averaging down is definitely the way foward but you have to be pretty darn sure of yourself and the stock. You are handling ANFO on this one without the necessary tools to do so IMO.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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