If you look at the last Domacom ASX Quaterly Report released on the 31st October 2018, the following numbers were provided :
Cash at Bank 30/9/18 $481,000
Projected Cash out flows to 31/12/18 - $1,214,000
sub total - $733,000
Add indicative income for 1/10/18 to 31/12/18 $40,000
Indicative Cash Deficit 31/12/2018 before new Loans -$693,000
NEW Debt/Loan from " Thundering Herd " announced 10/12/2018 $2,950,000
Less (IMO) possible Mandate and Establishment Fees @ 3% (Estimate) - $88,000
Less Repayment of Lind Loan Facility - $1,300,000 $1,562,000
IMO, Possible Cash Position as at 31 December 2018 $869,000
If IMO I've got these numbers right and the indicative cash burn rate continues at $400,000 per month, then the above scenario might give Domacom a further 2-3 months without further new debt, capital raisings or a dramatic increase in FUM and consequent Income.
Appreciate any thoughts on my take on these numbers.