This isn't my area of expertise but I learnt to read...
3P is more speculative than 2P but better than 2C. 2P is the usual standard = Proven and Probable (the upcoming report will indicate the mix). 3P includes some Proven and Probable, Some Possible (the upcoming report will indicate the mix)
Proved reserves = 90% certainty of being produced (P90). Probable reserves = 50% certainty (P50), Possible reserves = 10% certainty (P10) of actually being produced.
3P is a rosy estimate of what could be coming in the future.
As I understand it, LCK said they would be re-rating some of the 2C (3,000 Pjoules) to 2P And, the remaining 2C (the rest that isn't validated because it hasn't been demonstrated with a ISG test) would be re-rated.
They also indicated a revised JORC was possible with the 2P announcement.
So I am expecting... a 2P headline number on some of the resource (I am guessing between 500 and 800 P joules) a 3P re-rating on the whole resource (inclusive of the 2P) - so a much bigger, but less certain number. and probably a revised 2C rating on the rest (an unreliable but indicative bonus).
I am guessing the total resource (however it is rated) will be larger than the previous 2C estimate.