Bolton is obvious in being a dangerous and I would say unstable...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Bolton is obvious in being a dangerous and I would say unstable and out of his depth warmongering fool. He is the perfect fit if you want someone who as the face of diplomacy if you don't want to be diplomatic. He was never interested in peace and along with Pompeo would often contradict misquote the discussion made with NK and what was agreed to. They are out and out liars.

    But Pompeo is just as big enough liability that flies under the radar as another neocon warmonger that Trump uses. He is more silky with his delivery while Bolton get the attention. Hearing him speak on American exceptionalism to do what the hell they want makes me realise why he would fits in easily leading any torture program. He reminds me of Jabba the hut laughing at the thought of torturing people for his evil amusement and criminal empire.

    To me it was a waste of time, it never was about peace with those two on the Trump train. Clearly the NK put up with this show for other motives and Trump needed this as a good distraction.
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