To poyndexter
At least I read your last ten posts... Surely you can do
some analysis on EPG, can't you? I have confidence for
your understanding on EPG.
You know, you behave like a broker. You are quite sure
of a particular share. But when a client raises a
question, you simply change the topic.
Does it make sense to continue asking who you are? And
what's your purpose? Even if you are a cop, I don't
necessarily need to tell you.
I hope you will still tell something on EPG. What about
a short report? Is it still too difficult?
To Hendrous
Finance is the liars' industry. Who else should I go with? A hundred percdent honest man in financial industry
is a dead man. If you are an honest man, I prefer to learn
your academic analysis here but avoid writing reports
with you. I think my boss will fire me if I say something
100 percent true of a particular company.
The thoughts of ambiguity is usual. That's a phylosophy
topic. Why should I pretend to be an innocent kid? I
surely know something. And I choose to say something that
I want to say. What can you do ?
Well, I hope you can correct my grammar. Then I can
improve my English.
At least, I notice that you raised some facts recently.
And I learned something from you.
I suggest you both talk more on the EPG. If you are
confident on EPG, why don't you show us your mojo to
persuade us to buy EPG? Doesn't it make sense?
Cheers to you both. And hope you can do more
fundamentals on EPG. Then the so-called non-clown camp
will laugh at me.
If you can't do fundemantle analysis, then please don't
waste my time in answering your questions.