Apparently when one identifies fact and reasoning and makes comments about the pathetic (not too strong a word for the lovers is it?) SP, then one has to suffer the barbs and spleen venting of those who think this company is the bright spot in the market.
It could have been/should have been for reasons I have outlined before but get zip, however reality sits but not with some who would rather go to his stupid conferences at our cost, achieve nothing, preach to the converted, watch our SP drop after he presents, watch him act like Scrooge McDuck counting his money and do things we don't know or ever hear about. He is a failure in communication, the BoD hides, and the market continues to treat us with absolute contempt and mistrust. The run to 10c on nothing killed their respect for PIO, now we are a mining company and are worse off. WTF!!!
Can this be corrected by attending more pointless conferences, not to my thinking, it needs action, and strong action from maybe, here I go again, a CEO, but I think I will be long dead before they do that. Maybe scared someone with business knowledge and acumen will be horrified at how they do things.
1.4c, read the facts, tea and bikkies don't cut it, pandering words don't cut it, direct, decisive action and a desire for furtherance is what is needed, and I don't consider anyone within management has the ability or desire for unknown reasons to achieve that. Tell us what is going on, surely not too difficult.
Come on tear me down, but just look at the SP before you do, and then go for the throat of the reason this company is languishing, and it is not the posters on HC, nor the SH's in general, the failure to progress this rests with management, and they must be held accountable or you should toddle off to Centrelink as PIO won't 'make my day' (Sorry Dirty Harry)