But teddy, after all that, your were positive on the stock at 7 cents plus last week?
Regarding Alan Gray/Orbis fund, they were waiting on results, when those wern't achieved they exit. They are known for this time and time again, buying high and losing money. They make successful trades too, but from my experience watching Alan Gray/Orbis buy speculative stock, differs completely to other large funds who would not touch such.You do your research on Alan Gray/Orbis to see how much they have lost on speculative stocks, it is mindboggling,
Now, as for TA, of course at this low level, it will attract bargain hunters, it is just a matter of determining supply vs demand.
At present, in this low are with AG out, 2.5 base has formed strongly.
Dirt cheap in my opinion for thse with patience over the next few weeks.