Hi Teddy, I am just going on the complete collapse in share price from the Announcement last week, that saw Alan Gray dump his entire holding, which is quite normal for that guy to do when things don't go to plan. Gray fund is a trader more than a long term investor, and sometimes he does well and other times not.
Now since he is out, the stock is stabilized at 2.5 support, so given that and the huge buy support at .,002, we are talking 400Million buy support, i see this easily moving back up to first .005 stop.
I am talking TA although for a fundamentals point of view, if you compare FFT to POH where both got hit hard last week , you can see POH has double the market cap, but has major liabilities from the collapsed abitration, whereas FTT have no such liabilities, cash in the back, an expected $3.5Million R&D refund eary next year, and the very real possibility of some left of field news from their product base. And yet POH in a far worse financial scenario has a shell value double FTT.
All in all a good punt entry here imo.