What Graphite stocks to lookout for in 2018 ??, page-120

  1. 4,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1097
    Good morning Semi,

    It seemed like he gave a better plug for First Graphene rather than Talga,

    I wonder if he knows that Talga don't have a mine or a mining license, they only have exploration licenses and have completed a trial mine. Talga produce a 10um amophous graphite 93% carbon / micro graphite, the cost of Talga's mining operation excluding processing (based on the trial mine) cost significantly more than this commodity value, According to Talga's IP into graphene production they can only produce 2% graphene, he did say graphene is extremely hard to make,

    IMO you would be better off looking at First Graphene who already have a commercial production facility and are a tier one partner with the University of Manchestors GEIC. FGR have just released 3 product ranges after 5 months of testing with universties which determined what graphene works best in each application.
    5um - electroconductive inks / coatings,
    10um - reinforces rubbers, carbon fibre, glass fibres and
    20um fire retardants, concretes and geotextiles
    the then have jumbo platelets that are intended to be used in the Aluminium

    where Talga's graphene is approximately 100-500 nm or 0.1 - 0.5um. which is significantly smaller.
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