wanted - cheap lithium stock ready for take off, page-20

  1. 172 Posts.
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    Lepidico owns the technology to a metallurgical process that has produced battery grade lithium carbonate from non-conventional sources, particularly lithium-rich mica minerals such as lepidolite and zinnwaldite.
    According to the company, the L-Max process has the potential to disrupt the lithium market by providing additional lithium from such sources.
    The study aims to identify the economic and technical viability of a small commercial scale L-Max plant – to be built in Ontario, Canada – that will treat lithium mica concentrate feeds from a variety of resources.
    The final processing design data is set to be completed by the end of December 2017.

    Canada, Phase 1 LMAx, 3,000 tonnes LCE, ~A$60 million profit after byproducts, conservative mcap X10~$600m
    Canada, Phase 2, 20,000-25,000 tonnes, add ~A$450 million profit to Ph1, $510 million mcap X10 ~$5.1 billion
    For Europe, Add another set of Ph 1 and Phase 2, ~$10.2 billion including Canada
    For Japan, Add another set P1 and P2, ~$16.3 billion conservative mcap, CA, Eu, and Japan combined
    Last edited by lenoxau: 14/11/17
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