I understand what you are saying and it may seem like that, but...

  1. 8,621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 133

    I understand what you are saying and it may seem like that, but just for an objective view, could it be that the market was calling for this so much that it happened, and so true, and your right, the inexperienced sold.

    But on reflection is a new era in technology that is driving  change from fossil fuel to Co2 reduction more of a venue to watch as people flock to renewable safe energy, SAFE energy. 

    Just after the 2nd world war, japan was made to become a great industrial powerhouse, educated by the US. And it did it and now we have Toyota Mitsubishi, Yamaha, Suzuki. ETC.

    What will the new company names be that join the register of known success stories in 15 years time and herald the saving of the planet as their goal.

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