Oh gosh. I just saw my initials for my avatar are PD! I'm a Pump & Dump! I didn't think of that...
Just being silly, back to GMC.
Thank you very much for sharing your SP projection. This is of course just an estimate but it does give a good snap shot of where GMC is heading all being well and good.
I have held many many stocks below 2c in the last 18 months of trading and always sell very very early and don't make much money compared to what I would have if I took a LTT. I go back and look at them and they are now 10c, 15c, 30c and I curse myself. This is the reason I'm asking these questions regarding MC and SP projections, because I believe in GMC's story and I want to take a more patient and mature approach to my investment and not have the same attitude as what I've had with other stocks I've held.
It's all part of the process of being a newbie and learning how to trade/invest.
I'm in GMC for the long haul so I'm looking forward to chatting with you all over the next few years while GMC grows up.
Thank you all for your replies.