Energy Storage:
"One of the biggest opportunities in energy has nothing to do with oil, gas, wind or solar.
It’s all about storage.
That’s right. Batteries, thousands of them, are the key to unlocking the next stage of the energy revolution. There’s just one problem: existing battery tech, based on lithium ion, is pretty lousy.
But one company is working into a position to change all that. United Battery Metals is sitting on a huge potential supply of vanadium, “Element 23” that might serve as the backbone for the next generation of super batteries.
It works like this: existing batteries use antiquated dry-cell technology, often using lithium components. But lithium batteries can’t be scaled up, have short life spans and tend to generate engineering problems.
That’s why battery manufacturers and energy suppliers are turning to vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) that use liquids to generate charge rather than dry-cell.
Vanadium batteries can be built to almost any size: they can be as big as a storage container, and right now China is building
the world’s largest battery utilizing VFRB tech".
Vanadium flow batteries could transform the energy infrastructure: it’s what billionaire Robert Friedland has called
“the next revolution in energy.”
McKinsey & Co.
predict that the energy storage market will grow 100x by 2025, reaching $90 billion.