As far as KRM is concerned, I doubt it is any better than BDR. In terms of Gold Production, KRM too small to support a plant operation. BDR is 10 times larger in production than KRM, Full analysis is below
KRM Margin's are USD$1283 - $USD912 = USD$371 Only, not $700 as reported in your report.
Please have a look at their march Quarterly
As per KRM March Quarterly Report, their AISC is USD$912/OZ with Gold Produced at 5,249 OZ only.
With Quarterly Production of just 5,249 OZ at a net price of AISC US$912, that is too small production to support a company. Most of the profit will be eaten up by Management & Staff Salaries alone. Company needs to have 40,000 to 50,000 OZ/Quarter to support a plant efficiently.
Here are abstract from their last report
As per their March Quarterly Report, AISC is USD$912/OZ
" HY2018 produced 14,868oz Au at AISC of US$712/oz " However March Qutrly report AISC USD$912/OZ (Have a look at their table)