Charlie2009, i’m sure Tee47 is greatly reassured by the blind...

  1. 3,513 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    Charlie2009, i’m sure Tee47 is greatly reassured by the blind and unqualified support you offer, which as it turns out is from someone who confesses to know absolutely nothing about the subject.

    you appear to have adopted your position as a climate change denying noisemaker as a result of zero research. If you had approached the subject with an open mind and done any reading on it at all, you surely could only have come to a different position.

    Reading the pages of Rupert Murdoch’s Limited News so-called newspapers isn’t research. Spending your time immersed in the research offered on the Internet sites of NASA, NOAA, BoM, CSIRO etc is worth it. Give it a go sometime. You might learn something.

    the science underpinning AGW and climate change is overwhelming, except for those who are blind and will not see, such as you, Tee47, Jopo and other denying noisemakers.

    your obliviousness to the subject is clearly demonstrated by the statement that Tee47 has brought a “lot of substance” to HC climate threads.

    tee47, who appears to be a professional troll, has bought more noise and precious little else. Tee47’s main weapon is to regurgitate the same lies over and over and over again, such as the one about oceans cooling,

    Charlie2009, that you call this lie substance is telling.

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