Just wondering if anyone has looked into the effect on the...

  1. 4,183 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 219
    Just wondering if anyone has looked into the effect on the lithium market, with regards to the impact of ever increasing drone technology?

    People always talk about EV's, household tools, power generation, etc, but i have seen little discussion on the use of lithium for drones and robotics.

    I did some looking into the future use of drones and it looks super positive.
    One thing i did note was that people were looking for greater flight capacity for drones, and this saw a shift in the use of lithium to hydrogen type fuels.

    As a lithium noob, can someone enlighten me to the reason why EV's (and other forms) have decided to go down the lithium route, whereas it seems that drones will take the hydrogen route?

    : \
    Last edited by Andyrooooooo: 10/08/16
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