Uranium spot up to US$22/lb, page-2

  1. 2,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 118
    From my research (could be incomplete, happy to hear contrarian views to renanalyse) Uranium plants are being built across China at a barn-storming rate in the next 10 years, coming online in 2018 at around 10 per annum for first few years.

    Worldwide 60 plants are currently under construction (15% increase on current 440). It has been quoted that 80% (this sounds unbelievable number expiring simultaneously) of current American contracts expire in 2018-2019 so on top of the new plants' demand these will also be enterring long-term supply contracts in 2017.

    Apparantly new exploration for Uranium mines fell off dramatically past 2 years, so supply is dwindling at exactly the rate of usage; and will create a supply shortage in the coming 1/2 decade. Russia is teh only big explorer this year, with increasing interests in Mongolia.

    These factors are deemed to be a confluence that will drive U308 to being a demand driven commodity rather than supply driven.

    HOWEVER, It was predicted that the subsequent price rises would occur this year, but obviously that hasn't happened. (yet???) So W.T.F.K.

    I have an initial safe play for U308 in place, however I would be very happy to hear other more expert opinions and suggestions for good U-stocks if anyone has time to share their research.
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