Now that the Chinese have been caught down-ramping the economy...

  1. 7,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    Now that the Chinese have been caught down-ramping the economy
    by over 3.5% and given that up to last June the Chinese import of iron ore was
    up by 16% YOY, it is reasonable to conclude that the Chinese have been sandbagging
    to push down prices.
    Perhaps the big IO producers will wake up and moderate production to meet
    short term demand. China drew a line in the sand 4 years ago when it jailed
    Rio executives for gathering Chinese market intelligence on prospective
    Chinese demand so there is apt to be apprehension about any current market
    intelligence gathering in China.

    The answer is simple; just turn down the tap until the price goes up
    and the shareholders of Rio, Vale, BHP & FMG should be demanding that.

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