On a complete moron would claim that solar is cheaper than coal...

  1. 5,559 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 307
    On a complete moron would claim that solar is cheaper than coal produce electricity. That said is it correct to replace coal with solar? Even after 46 years as a coal miner and an ardent supporter of that industry, there will come a time that solar ill be at cheaper than coal. CSIRO (o one of the Unis have panels that are 100 times better than present panels. However there are scale up, huge production cost issues and technical issues to solve. There is another translucent panel that can coat the windows of skyscrapers without hindering views.
    The environmental wankers are just wasting air and clogging up the media. Let the financial market forces go to work and solar will replace coal over time.
    In the interim, produce our high value efficient coal until the market forces do their work. Leave the crap low rank Indo coals and Aussie brown coals in the ground.
    Wind energy is unlikely to ever be economical. Nuclear has a few storage issues. Thorium sounds to be a future fuel.
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