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Originally posted by Langers:
I would have the billions in savings on affordable healthcare with a public option that brings in the long term benefits like Australia has. Rather than people under financial stress because they can't afford healthcare, or are in financial stress from healthcare bills or deliberately don't seek a doctor that causes long-term health issues because they can't afford care now. I also would rather have the trillions spent each year on the MIC and military spent on endless wars on improving infrastructure, the environment and get clean drinking water. If we are going to pi$$ up money at least have something lasting for the people. Everyone in the US could have a free college education, removed student debt, end homelessness with plenty of change so Flint can have clean water with billions in pocket change left over just from the Afghan war costs. We haven't even talked about the Syrian, Iraqi war costs, regime change operations from the large CIA budget and trillion in missing money unaccounted with no real audit. FMD we are all hysterical about chump change money in comparison. I would rather have a livable minimum wage so the state doesn't subidise Amazon and Walmart workers so the big end of town can make billions upon billions and pay no tax while small business disappears. Damn that AOC she has all the rich worried about capitalism with a human face. So unelectable to Trump who has cut taxes for the rich, made massive increases in military spending, space programs and is looking for a new war while continuing the existing wars. Shut down the government for a few billions on part of a wall while the remaining infrastructure crumbles while potentially worsening the US trade situation long term with many countries. But don't worry Wall Street, the MIC and the military has a blank cheque the US taxpayer will supply and they will steal your assets if we have another GFC like last time when 100,000's lost their homes from the banks that were given hundreds of billions by Government. Trump has their back with Squids, Neocons and Big business fully represented in the White House while he does deals with the Mafia underworld of politics. Don't expect Hillary or any swamp and nepotistic parasites that dominate the US system to be punished Q like.
ordinary Americans (the ones that comment on infowars) hate the idea of a state funded health care system, they see it as communism at its worst. And the average lowly educated Trumparian sees America's military dominance of the planet as a God given Blessing, and after all a career in the marines or on an assembly line of an armaments manufacturer is better money than working at Walmart. People like AOC promising them that they should be paying a lesser percentage of tax than billionaires makes them vomit patriotically.