The Media only wants to promote outraged voices from both side...

  1. 1,457 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    The Media only wants to promote outraged voices from both side of the debate, with strong language (it makes better click revenue so stuff the issues this causes). Moderate Muslims aren't allowed to have opinions we only want our selected voices of outrage.

    Reading this shows me how muffled moderate voice are in the mainstream media to give balanced clarity that for example condemns the rapes that occurred in Germany and those (particularly the State) who prompt a form of radical Islam that is alien to the majority of Muslims. Muslims don't like to be tarred with the same brush its like saying all Americans are Crusaders in invading Iraq under their Christian Bush psychopaths.

    I recommend some of the discussions by Kevork Almasian at Syrian Perspective to get a balanced view.
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