With respect
@birdchirp ==== Speciality Metals’ negotiations with several
key international financiers is progressing well and in order to conclude the financing of the Mt Carbine Quarry and Mining Leases it has agreed to an extension with Mt Carbine Quarries Pty Ltd, subject to finance/settlement,, was in sept ... then the language changed 3 weeks later in the Ann report
"Whilst the financing has proved to be somewhat difficult, with our traditional banks having no interest and private equity funds being outrageously expensive, the Company has managed to engage with several parties that are currently undertaking due diligence or reviewing this financing opportunity. Speciality Metals is very focused on obtaining a debt line to complete this purchase. Whilst the Company is conscious of the perception in the market place that this transaction will need to be finalised via a share placement I can confirm that it is the Company’s intention to secure a finance package which does not have an overly dilutive impact on existing shareholders"
Also we have this to look FWD to from the Ann report
"Work is also being undertaken on the gold assets with the Company’s Geological Team currently assessing these assets and I would expect there to be some news soon."
Looks like these guys don't want to heavily dilute us to get the deal over the line, the return on investment would pay the loans back in no time. When they have the mine and the leases in hand this will sky rocket , maybe then go to the market for more funding or issue well priced options as part of the funding deal so shareholders get to nullify some of the dilution.