Trumps biggest re election weapon. Yep AOC, page-8

  1. 11,472 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    "So, you may have missed this, but the way it works in America is YOU work for US. "

    lols, so hasn't this guy been awake for the last 200 years?
    The U.S. are no more of a democracy than we are.
    You get to choose who gets to boss you around for the next 4 years but you have NO say whatsoever in what they do or don't do once elected.  But you do a 'choice' right?  If you vote for 'a' you get a punch in the head but if you vote for 'b' you get punched in the stomach.  That's western 'democracy' in a nutshell IMO.
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