I can understand why AOC is feared. She is no corporate democrat...

  1. 1,457 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I can understand why AOC is feared. She is no corporate democrat and she offers an alternative option instead of the usual Tweedledee and Tweedledum circus of a Biden or Bush royalty options or similar clones which is no real choice (fake Harris and Warren). Same goes with Gabard, a threat to the MIC and status quo.

    She has more backbone than Sanders and can tap into the issues affecting many people that don't vote which is a large untapped base neither party really has energised aside from a Sanders and to a lesser extent a Trump.

    You push through a public healthcare option, minimum wage, making the wealthy pay more tax (esp Bezo's) and clean up the environment, you have many American's on board. I don't have to like her but the whole system needs a firm shake from the left and right to get the focus on real issues that affect everyday Americans which is the costly wars they want ended, the focus on stopping their degrading environment, affordable education, minimum wages and job security, a real public healthcare option, the growing loss of civil rights and expanding prison population, the surveillance state and growing and stabilising a shrinking middle class. Corporate Capitalism isn't democracy and we should examine alternative models as an example.

    The problems are glaring and most politicians just focus on peripheral issues that are a distraction or pay lip service to it than fixing a nation that is degrading. I am glad she is up there putting real issues in the spotlight that both parties tend to bury. This needs to be discussed on the forum more than character assassination via misquotes. That to me is a sign there is still some life in democracy before the corporatists and lame stream media snuff her out.
    Last edited by Langers: 25/02/19
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