Trump in 'no rush' to denuclearize North Korea, page-2

  1. 4,537 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "Winning" is sounding a lot like losing right now. 

    North Korea still has its nukes. Not giving them up.
    Working on new rockets that can hit more of mainland US.
    Finished rocket testing for now, so no sacrifices or concessions there.
    Finished nuke testing for now as a mountain collapsed on its test site, so no sacrifices or concessions there.
    Not giving up military exercises, so no sacrifices or concessions there.

    US giving up military exercises.
    US deserting traditional allies worldwide and in the region, so Japan and South Korea more vulnerable to NK and Chinese threats.
    US giving up on asking NK to give up its nukes.
    US giving ground and status, treating a tinpot, homicidal ruler as world leader and equal to POTUS.
    Massive concessions made to NK so they keep quiet about their nuclear weapons capabilities during the US election cycle.

    The North Korea nuclear threat has not changed. If anything, it's gotten worse. But it's out of the media spotlight so Trump supporters feel safer - they don't want to read bad news as it upsets them.
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