Just going through all the threads and looking at the BBX website, will take a bit to absorb and have a kids soccer match to attend to first. Will all hang on the technical info about their proprietary analysis methods and whether/if this could ever be scaled up to a commercial size treatment plant (or not).
I can't think of any gabbro hosted high grade deposits that also have high grade Pt Pd etc but that's not to say that its categorically impossible for it to happen.
I agree with your point that we don't have any evidence of metasediments/some sort of special geochemical trap or trigger....yet....but with almost no drilling and weathered/concealed bedrock geology then anything is possible.
One question that I had first of all is from the previous bulk surface sampling, were the samples taken from fresh gabbro rocks at surface ignoring the saprolitic weathered material and soils or inclusive? Isn't very clear to me yet.