Doctors and midwifery staff don't hold up babies and ask with...

  1. 1,547 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10

    Doctors and midwifery staff don't hold up babies and ask with puzzled looks "what's this then".

    They are all pointers or setters.

    Medical people know the depression, fear and discomfort is in the head - well separated from the genitals.

    Look at the profile of the promoters of gender diversity.

    To a man they are wet behind the ears females, who are unmarried and have zero experience birthing and raising children.

    As has been noted before, cutting a man's pecker off doesn't make him a woman:

    "Just a man whose pecker has been cut off".

    The alphabets, gays and lesbians are something different again - but generally they sort themselves out.

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