Good one Sim, but your own bias is shining through like a...

  1. 12,377 Posts.
    Good one Sim, but your own bias is shining through like a beacon. For the reasons I outlined is why Sumo wrestling has been on the decline for decades, want me to rewrite them for you?, you obviously skated across the links you posted and became outraged at the female involvement. Go back and read the link you obviously haven't read that says "inside the scandal hit world of Sumo" and you'll see the true reason for it's decline, in fact several true reasons. But you run with "  Yeah, once 'sexism problem' charges infiltratesporting physical activities, a slow strangulation of that sportbegins." 

    It hasn't just begun Sim, it's been in decline for years, which is why they import big boppers from other countries. Wake up Sim.

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