Trading and Emotion, page-2

  1. 3,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    It's a complicated thing is emotion and stress. Start by looking at the simple things is my opinion. We all have ruts, it's how we react to those ruts that determine our future success.

    Could it be that maybe you are over invested in your investments? When I start getting a bit excited and start getting a little overweight in stocks I can very easily become market obsessed - more so than normal anyway . Reducing position sizes and the amount of active trades helps me regain focus and confidence.

    It's easy to over-complicate the situation sometimes. Sometimes just small tweaks need to be made to see what difference it makes to the overall outcome. If the tweaks are too big, it can be hard to pin-point where the problem/s were to begin with - then it becomes harder to fix.

    At the end of the day, we are all different and we all react differently so there is no hard line solution.

    There are some good trading psychology books outs there that prompt you to look at things differently. Google around for some if you think they will help, there are too many to list here.

    Good luck with your development, don't give up if you enjoy it - it wasn't made to be easy!
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