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Originally posted by Therookie88
smart move! good to see you dont have one of those "us and them".. I look at AVL and TMT with a very simplistic view... they both have great management capabale of getting them into production and they both have world class resources but ........AVL is at 3 times the starting point from TMT today i do not believe this valuation gap is justified and i cant personally see the reason to pay 3 times as much for virtuality the same deposit that may or may not be max 6 months ahead just because It has a few MOUs or experts on the payroll. i get AVL is larger but we will both expand our resources far greater then what they are so to me its not an Impotant factor. I hold TMT NOT because I believe it will one day be the leader! I'm here because I believe this will make me the most money! remember if we both get to production and you were to invest today we would only have to reach half of the market cap of AVL and you would have made the more money here! I personally think once in production the market caps a lot closer then that so to me it's a no brainer to have my money here.... that's all IMO and no stab at AVL
I'm the same mate. I hold both because they will both make me money. I really don't understand the 'us and them' mentality. Let's all make money money money money money!!!!!!!!!!