All true,
Animals are how you train them,as you well know.
Also one uses commands that are uncommon,and not everyday words that could cause inadvertant
reactions from the dogs,if and when such could be uttered by a stranger.
Thus they only obey ones voice,and will guard and protect,but not harm what they are instructed not to harm.
As one has a love of own home cooked meals,put a garden in each year.
And always found the best solution to not spraying is to use bribery.
In the fallow months give the birds food,and scraps,and in the spring
and summer,they will eat the bugs,and forgive them for taxing some
of the berries,and fruit,as they need their vitamins.
Have resident night growlers, so will leave a jam sandwich on the roof of the tool shed,
and old bushy tail ones come down down from the tree,pig out,and then do whatever
is their want.
Now snakes are another story.
Anyway,all the best,and have a pleasant day.
PS you may wish to visit the loony bin where one normally resides
in this link
Post #:
And please note that syntax and vernacular become often
altered,depending on mood,and level of mead,or some strange home brew potion.