expectations - mine life extended, grades to remain same, no funding, no interest - why would a year or 2 on mine life convince a buyer to commit? not 1 serious buyer in 10 years!!! molyhil will remain an UN-mined resource.
pilot mountain...
expectations - 30% increase in tungsten capacity, copper in some quantity. however when you look at the copper mines in production and those funded and about to come online in USA and the tungsten situation worldwide and in USA then Pilot mountain can only remain an UN-mined resource.
huge find, massive gold resource found as gold price continues to rise...Billing chooses to sell resource as gold price rises even further, so he can avoid producing anything.
new prospects...Billing will purchase mining tenements on the moon and promises production in near term...
oh and plenty of 3b's, 5b's, 7b's and BS...
this is only 1 might be better it might be worse...what do YOU expect from thor mining?
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