well, we should not be surprised at all by the resignation of AK. there is no doubt that WCL is now controlled and run by the new broom - NHC, EIT and MH. WCL is working towards a GSA and development - it is not waiting around for a t/o. ask the question - that's the answer you get.
so any t/o predator needs to pull their finger out!
this resignation might just be the catalyst for a t/o. it is a signal that the AK parcel is on the market. AK has 4.204%. so a handy parcel.
now he is not restricted by non-trading periods of directors.
AK's resignation, any unloading of shares, may have more to do with his new opportunities in the LNG industry, rather than with the prospects of WCL?
I say that because AK has landed on his feet,(as CEO of private coy Sub161) and would be looking forward, not backwards. and look who is the principal of Sub161.