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Originally posted by TomBombadil
Ah Ok that makes sense, so perhaps every post in the tissue thread I ever made ought be changed to sentiment buy.
It also makes sense now that I think about blue chip stocks I hold enough of that even when I think they are probably going down (short-medium) and perhaps sell down some, or certainly not buy more, they could be a sell sentiment even while I hold.
I don't think TIS will go up much this week or next, (Its after that that I am thinking about)
Well some short term trader types might pop in for a hopeful few week turn around gain, but I think it would take a fair bit of reading and understanding for trader type to reach that conclusion as it would be fairly hard to know what the exact expected news date is as we (LT holders) are not quite certain when the answers went in.
So my expectation is pensive (boring?) 2 or so weeks, then ... very divergent possible short term futures.
You need a stress ball, yoga and water feature, TB.
With London 9 hours behind brisbane (tis office) the response was almost certainly lodged by COB 25/07/14 in UK, which relevant meeting starts Monday week and minutes following week.