The only information about safety with respect to vaccinating...

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    The only information about safety with respect to vaccinating infants refers to three clinical trials including a total of only "147 healthy infants and children (up to 10 years of age)". Since the infants were grouped with older children and their number unspecified, this information is uninterpretable with respect to the safety of vaccinating all infants, not merely the healthy infants (ie. selection bias) still in the earliest stages of childhood development.

    The number of children included was also too low for these studies to have the statistical power necessary to detect any harms apart from those that occur very frequently.

    As is common practice in vaccine safety trials, there was no placebo control group to determine the statistical significance of reported adverse events such as fever, anaphylaxis or rhinitis.

    Furthermore, these children were monitored for adverse events for only five days, so any adverse events occurring after that period of time were entirely missed - intentionally.

    And this is the accepted basis of vaccine safety testing by health authorities and medical regulators...

    CDC’s Infant Hep B Vaccine Recommendations—No Proof of Safety?

    Even for a vaccine injected into babies on the day they are born for a disease they will not encounter unless they shot up drugs with junkies or have unprotected sex with hookers. A vaccine that provides antibodies for up to 10 years only and is loaded with aluminium nanoparticles which can cross infants immature BBB and enter the brain and nervous system directly! WTF!?!

    CDC’s Recommendation for Hepatitis B Vaccination in Infants. Are There More Risks Than Benefits?

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