The same fear campaign and propaganda that we're now seeing...

  1. 6,465 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The same fear campaign and propaganda that we're now seeing around the world with measles was also employed to market the chickenpox vaccine (watch the short video below comparing a country that markets the chickenpox vaccine against one that doesn’t);

    Vaccination for chickenpox is also the reason we’re seeing a shingles epidemic develop in over vaccinated countries. Mass vaccination for chicken pox has shifted the risk burden away from children, in whom it is a generally benign disease, onto adults and the elderly, in whom there is a much higher risk of serious complications. Without the routine re-exposure boost to the virus that would normally occur absent mass vaccination, adults lose their immunity and become at risk of developing shingles. The costs to the health care system are GREATER thanks to the mass vaccination policy than they would otherwise be. But perhaps that was always the plan.
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